Държавата ще поеме до 50% поемане от разходите за разкриване на малки мандри и кланици
Румен Порожанов: Ще нотифицираме държавна помощ за малки мандри и кланици
Държавата ще поеме 50% от разходите на малките мандри и кланици
Министър Порожанов готви патешки кебап на “Фермер-ЕКСПО” в Раковски
Държавата поема до 50% от инвестициите за нови малки мандри и кланици
Обмислят държавна помощ за малки мандри и кланици
Министър Порожанов забърка патешки кебап за 500 човека в Раковски СНИМКИ
Бюджетът плаща 50% от разходите на малки кланици и мандри
Έρολ Ουσέρ: Προσοχή στις τράπεζες, θα χρειαστούν 35 δις το 2019 – Video
Έρολ Ουσέρ: Προσοχή στις τράπεζες, θα χρειαστούν 35 δις το 2019
Nafpaktianews.gr – The Business Forum in Komotini will host the Greek Business Council of Turkey.
Kontranews.gr – The Business Forum in Komotini will host the Greek Business Council of Turkey.
Lykavitos.gr – Lead Sandic Ahmet President of the Greek Business Council of Turkey!
Kontranews.gr – Lead Sandic Ahmet President of the Greek Business Council of Turkey!
Dexiextrem.blogspot.com.tr – Lead Sandic Ahmet President of the Greek Business Council of Turkey!
Ekloges.news.gr – Lead Sandic Ahmet President of the Greek Business Council of Turkey!
Erol User’s Speech at USA SENATE
Batı Trakya’da Bölge Ekonomisini Canlandırmaya Yönelik Faaliyetler – Balkan Gündemi – TRT Avaz
View to Gezipark Protests
Kerdos. gr “Turkish Vote of Trust to Greek Economy”
Capital.gr “Interest from Turkey for Greece”
Eurotoday.gr “Greek banks are searching for a buyer”
Eurotoday.gr “The banks and Turkish Imperialisnm”
Greeknation.blogspot.gr “Turkish flirt with the Greek banks”
Sigmalive.com “Scenarios for Turkish flirt with Greek banks”
Flashnews.gr “With outmost secrecy contacts with Turkish real estate companies”
Enallax.news “Turkish businessmen are buying out Greece”
Ifr.com “Safe Journey on a stormy sea”
Livenea.gr “In Turkish hands 2 Greek companies?”
Innews.gr ”Scenarios for the sale out of 2 Greek banks”
Clicknews.gr “In Turkish hands 2 Greek banks”
Thefrielandergroup.com “The Wallenberg Commission”
Baltimore jewish life “Senators And Lantos Family Gather in the Capitol To Urge Passage of Congressional Gold Medal”
gr reporter.gr “Greece will recover by 2014, says a Turkish financial expert”
eelevents.co.uk “Fifth annual Balkan Energy Finance Forum”
Turkish businessmen ready to invest in Greece
Capital Tv “Interview to Erol User”
capital.gr ” USER Corp Awarded As “Best M&A Advisory House in CEE, Russia and CIS”
Blacktiemagazine “Erol User’s book Ethical Economy”
foxnews.com ”Turkish Prime Minister leads delegation debt plagues Greece landmark visit”
guardian.co.uk “Turkish PM calls for bilateral arm cuts on historic visit to Greece”
capital.gr “Greece Turkey agreed to step up bilateral contact
capital.gr “New publications regarding the search of a buyer for the Greek banks”
imerisia ”Turkish flirt with Greek banks”
protothema “Turks are insisting for the Greek banks”
kathimerini: “Turkish Inrerest for Greece”
blacktiemagazine “Engaging philanthropy to promote gender equality and womens empowerement”
The Friedlander Group Wallenberg Commission Marks 67th arrest anniversary
The Friedlander Group “Hungary launches Wallenberg Memorial Year”
Huffingtonpost “Wallenberg: Not only a hero but a unifier”
The lakewoodscoop.com “Senators And Lantos Family Gather In The Capitol To Urge Passage Of Congressional Gold Medal For Raoul Wallenberg”
blacktiemagazine “Raul Wallenberg“
matzav.com “Senators and Lantos Family Gather in the Capitol To Urge Passage of Congressional Gold Medal”
thelakewoodscoop.com ”Senators and lantos family in the capitol to urge passage of congressional gold medal for Raoul Wallenberg”
vosizneias.com ”Wallenberg Budapest mission no fluke”
gestetnerupdates.com ”House Republican leadership strongly supports Wallenberg gold medal”
collive.com “Honoring a savior of the jews”
thelakewoodscoop.com “300 Members Of Congress Co-sponsor Raoul Wallenberg Gold Medal Legislation”